Learn How to Leverage Your Content Knowledge Graphs for SEO

Social media sites, cultural heritage institutions and enterprises have long used knowledge graphs to understand the complex relationships within diverse datasets and derive new knowledge. 

In SEO, knowledge graphs can help search engines understand and disambiguate website content, enabling search engines to offer more accurate and relevant search results. 

When you use Schema Markup to describe the entities on your site and link them to other authoritative knowledge bases, you are effectively developing a reusable Content Knowledge Graph. 

This introductory knowledge graph course will cover topics such as: 

  • What is a Knowledge Graph
  • History of Knowledge Graphs and the Semantic Web
  • Types of Knowledge Graphs and Use Cases
  • Anatomy of a Knowledge Graph (URIs, JSON-LD, Ontologies, etc.)
  • How to Build a Content Knowledge Graph

For more details, view our course curriculum below. 

Note: To succeed in this knowledge graph course, you must have foundational knowledge of Schema Markup. If you need to brush up on your foundations, we recommend enrolling in our Schema Markup 101 course.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from the instructor

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Intro to Knowledge Graphs

    • What is a Knowledge Graph?

    • The DIKW Pyramid

    • Test your learning

  • 3

    A Brief History of Knowledge Graphs

    • The Semantic Web

    • Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs

    • Knowledge Graph Types and Use Cases

    • Test your learning

  • 4

    Anatomy of a Knowledge Graph

    • Anatomy of a Knowledge Graph

    • RDF

    • JSON-LD

    • URIs

    • Ontologies

    • Schema.org

    • Test your learning

  • 5

    How to Build a Content Knowledge Graph

    • How to Build a Content Knowledge Graph

    • Step 1. Knowledge Creation

    • Step 2. Knowledge Hosting

    • Step 3. Knowledge Curation

    • Entity Linking

    • Test your learning

  • 6

    Next Steps

    • How Schema App does Knowledge Graphs

    • Before you go...


Product Manager, Schema App

Jasmine Drudge-Willson

Jasmine is the Product Manager at Schema App. She has a background in ontology and vocabulary development for linked open data projects and is passionate about building meaningful connections between people and the technology that they use. In her spare time, you'll find her hiking, reading, knitting, and making hobbit doors out of polymer clay.

Ready to learn about knowledge graphs?

Register for our course to kickstart your journey into the semantic web.